Office Management, Productivity

Early Riser or Night Owl – Are All Times of The Day Created Equal for Productivity?

Having a ton of tasks scheduled everyday, I find I am more productive in the morning and afternoon. The later in the day, the less drive I have to start on something new or even complete what I am working on. I have more focus and better concentration early morning or mid-day.

What about you? Do you get more tasks done in the morning? Do you climb out of bed at noon (or later) and find you are more productive in the evening; or well after everyone else has gone to bed?

Early Riser or Night Owl?

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” said Ben Franklin. “It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” said Aristotle. Franklin and Aristotle were firm believers of getting a jump on their daily activities.

Before the arrival of artificial lighting, people who rose at dawn and went to bed at dusk were seen productive during the daylight hours. They are literally SEEN as getting work done. But, what about people who have a different sleep pattern? Are they considered lazy and unproductive if they are not seen working?

Our circadian cycle, or sleep-wake cycle, is what makes us jump out of bed bright and early or makes us a wide-eyed night owl. It’s our personal body rhythm that determines which one we are. Though most people are productive during the daylight hours, there are others who prefer to work throughout the night.

Due to the invention of the electric light, we have the opportunity to stay up all night long if we wish. The person who works all day and sleeps all night may no longer be considered the most productive. There are some late risers who work all night and are more productive than some early risers will ever be.

Are morning people poised for success?

A study conducted by biologist Christoph Randler confirmed people who are at their peak performance in the morning are often poised for career success. Early risers who begin their tasks early, Randler found more proactive in scheduling tasks. This proactive tendency links to career success, better job performance, and better pay.

Several reasons why early risers can be more productive include:

  • most businesses cater to people who are awake during the day
  • children and teenagers are expected to get up early to attend school – setting the trend for early rising in later life
  • early risers often complete many tasks before others get to work

Most early risers find time for exercise, a healthy, unrushed breakfast, meditation, reading, writing and planning before their 9:00 am workday begins. I know I feel amazing to have all these things checked off my to-do list before even walking into the office!

So what if I’m a night owl?

Though Randler’s study focused on early risers, being a night owl has advantages too. Randler found people who got up late and stayed up late were more productive in the afternoon and evening, more so than their early rising counterparts. These night owls can get as much work done as early risers. It’s just not during what most of us would consider a normal 9-5 work day.

Night owls can be more productive in the afternoon and evenings possibly because early risers have run out of steam. By 5:00 pm early risers have been awake for 12 or more hours, whereas the night owls have been awake for five hours, equaling 10 am for an early riser.

Randler also found night owls tended to have a better sense of humor, be more creative, and more outgoing than their early morning counterparts. Another study in London found night owls were more apt to break out of the normal routine. They were often the first to suggest change, be more flexible and fluid-minded. Though night owls are more creative, early risers are more logical.

What’s the final ruling?

Based on research, both early risers and night owls are productive. They just have their productivity at different times in the day.

In today’s world, there are many options for night owls to work well into the night as there are for early risers who prefer to rise before the sun. There are many jobs that someone can work all night long and be highly successful in doing so.

The take away – Work with your circadian rhythm for when you will be the most productive. People no longer need to conform to the standard 9-5 work day.

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