Leadership, Productivity

The Important Need For Self-Management Skills

It’s Sunday morning and for the first time this week the humidity is not off the charts. I hear my neighbor across the street mowing his lawn and my other neighbor laughing with friends. Without self-management, I have to admit, I would be outside enjoying this beautiful day too. Sitting here at my desk, I realize the importance of self–management…

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Lack of Curiosity Will Put You Out Of Business

Just last week I had a conversation regarding procedures for a business office. When asked why a business didn’t write phone call information down, he said the conversations were relayed to the necessary person when they saw them. “Didn’t information get lost, forgotten, or mixed up?” I asked. I suggested a phone log with name, phone number and main point…

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Career, Leadership, Productivity

Workaholic? 10 Steps To Stop Now.

 Do you miss out on what is going on with your family and friends?  Are you working another late night or Saturday afternoon? Does that thought not bother you? Have you gotten to the point where you look forward to going into work early, staying late, or working weekends. Heck, you’ll work any time, day or night? If you answered…

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Career, Resources

12 Must Read Books That Guarantee Your Success

Why are successful people successful?  It’s not because they work harder. They work smarter. Successful people emulate other successful people. They watch, listen, read, and ask questions. Constantly learning about new ideas. Successful people prioritize what is important to them. It is not cleaning the house, or washing the car, or going shopping. These things are necessary for living but…

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