Career, Goal Setting

How To Be Successful In 4 Amazingly Easy Steps

If you are not achieving the success you want, there are four easy steps to take to reach success. First, we must learn how to access our subconscious mind. It is our subconscious that stores our experiences, habits, skills, visual images, and beliefs, and which controls every decision and action we take.

Think of your subconscious as similar to a computer operating system. Our subconscious is our operating system and it carries out decisions and actions based on what we put into it. Our subconscious does not question, it only accepts what we put into the database (our subconscious) as reality, whether true or not.

An example of what is programmed into you subconscious could be that you were told over the years you don’t handle money well, you’re fat, or too stupid to understand. These words and the emotions they invoke sink into our subconscious and each day our subconscious continues to gather information to confirm these beliefs.

You don’t attend college because you don’t think you can understand the classwork, you don’t invest because you are not good with money, you don’t exercise or eat right because it is in your genes to be heavy. You don’t consciously think about taking these actions, but the decisions we make are based on how our subconscious was programmed over the years because of what we have heard, seen, and felt.

When negative thoughts repeat over and over in our mind, our subconscious takes it and believes it as true. It will do its best to make those thoughts into reality through the decisions we make and the actions we take. We become what we are programmed and what we continue to think about.

Subconscious programming leads to thoughts.
Thoughts lead to feelings.
Feelings lead to actions.
Actions lead to results. – T. Harv Eker

By focusing and thinking about what we desire, we can begin to reprogram our subconscious to make decisions and take actions to change our lives for the better. The opposite is true as well. If we continually think thoughts about what we don’t have or don’t want, “I don’t want to lose money” “I will never have enough money for a new car” that is exactly what will happen. You will make decisions and take actions to lose money or not get a new car because you are feeding your subconscious negative information. You are focusing on ‘not having’.

To change your success story, you need to change your self-image by controlling your self-talk. Self-talk are thoughts that run through your mind. It is not possible to control every thought, but if we realize we are thinking negative thoughts, acknowledge the thoughts and turn them around to positive thoughts.

♦ Affirmations ♦

Affirmations are one of the best ways to place positive messages into our subconscious.

Start changing your neural pathways by repeating affirmative statements such as “I will start a business.” or “I am focused and driven to create the life I want.” or “I am successful in . . .”

Through positive, goal specific affirmations, you will improve specific areas of your life. Join your affirmations with strong emotions to achieve your goals faster. Once your subconscious records your affirmations as true, the new beliefs will begin to override the old beliefs. Your thoughts will change as will your decisions and actions based on your new programming.

♦ Visualization ♦

Visualization is focusing in your mind’s eye on a positive mental image to achieve a goal. The more vividly you see the pictures in your mind, the faster it gets into your subconscious. Focus on what you want. See it, feel it, put emotion to it. If negative thoughts enter your mind about the image, concentrate on new positive thoughts to erase your old programming.

Olympic athletes use visualization to great success. They focus on each step, seeing the course, feeling the wind, hearing the crowd. They run through their entire program thousands of times in their mind before they ever compete.

♦ Meditation ♦

Meditation helps still the mind and allows your brain to receive positive thoughts. Meditation trains your mind to focus without distraction, increases your mental stamina, and allows you to put words and images directly into your subconscious. Write down your goals and meditate on them to put the new beliefs into your subconscious.

♦ Positive Self-Talk ♦

Self-talk are thoughts running though our mind. They dictate our mood, our behaviors, and guide our actions and decision-making. By becoming aware of our self-talk and managing what we think, we begin to create the life we want.

As our subconscious mind believes whatever we tell it the most, it is important to speak to yourself positively. Self-talk brings to mind pictures and their associated emotions. By focusing on positive thoughts and concentrating on your goals, you will change your subconscious and begin to make decisions and take actions based on these new thoughts.

By thinking about success, you will have success.

Begin reprogramming your subconscious today by using one, two, or all of these methods three times a day for 30 consecutive days. Reprogramming your subconscious takes time, patience, and perseverance to make changes to your life. Be consistent with thoughts and self-talk and repeat positive thoughts over and over.

Remember, you are where you are today because of your previous programming and the thoughts you had in the past. Now you know how to change your life to be successful and live the life of your dreams. Start to think differently today!

If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford



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