Leadership, Office Management, Productivity

6 Super Tips For Saying No

Last week I found myself in a position where a friend asked me to join a charity committee. She was very excited about this opportunity and it was a great cause. “Your skills in the office are just what we need to keep everything organized!” The more she spoke, the more excited I became about the committee. Before I blurted…

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Are You Addicted To Email?

Most of us want to be more productive but how do we go about getting everything done we need to? Do we sacrifice some things to get other things done? Are there activities we unconsciously do each day that make our productivity drop dramatically? Checking Emails too Frequently One of the main time productivity drains during the work day is…

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Culture, Leadership

The Secret to A Happy Employee

One of my favorite movies is Nine to Five starring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Dolly Parton. These three secretaries work for a boss who they refer to as a “sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.” Now, I can’t imagine that any one of us would think of our bosses in this way however, this movie makes a strong statement that…

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Culture, Leadership

4 Empowerment Strategies Every Leader Should Know

Though many leaders have heard of empowerment, there were still those who struggle with actually handing over the reins. It is not uncommon for a leader to feel insecure causing them to cling to familiarity as it is what they know best. However, insecurity can also force leaders to keep information and skills to themselves, ensuring they are important and irreplaceable.…

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6 Essential Steps to Boost Your Customer Service

In today’s marketplace, customer service is what sets you and your business apart from the rest of your competition. Customer service is more than just filling an order or completing a service. Customer service is how you treat each and every customer that you and your business come in contact with. As customers have many options when looking to purchase…

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