Culture, Leadership

4 Empowerment Strategies Every Leader Should Know

Though many leaders have heard of empowerment, there were still those who struggle with actually handing over the reins.

It is not uncommon for a leader to feel insecure causing them to cling to familiarity as it is what they know best. However, insecurity can also force leaders to keep information and skills to themselves, ensuring they are important and irreplaceable. Other leaders may not train employees or delegate work. They have the mentality “it is better if I do this myself so it is done right.” Still other leaders want to be the go-to person they were in their past position.

One of the more difficult aspects of leadership is letting go of power and knowing how to give power to others. Take a moment and consider how you can give power to others.

How do leaders empower their employees?

  • Give employees knowledge and skills to perform with confidence and expertise. Leaders should work closely with employees to develop their talents. The benefit will be more confident, satisfied employees who are able to handle problems independently when they arise.
  • Share responsibility with employees and allow them to make decisions. Though leaders may fear giving responsibility to employees for fear mistakes may be made, that is OK. Leaders should let their employees know everyone makes mistakes and through mistakes, they will continue to grow and learn.
  • Delegate tasks. Next time there is a meeting or project, hand the leadership position to another and let them lead to strengthen their skills. Allowing others to take the lead also frees up the leader to work on the big picture while the team works on the process of reaching the vision.
  • Include employees in product development. Employees who become involved in their leader’s vision and product development consider themselves valuable contributors towards a common goal. When leaders brainstorm with others who have different skill sets, a wide range of ideas are discovered that may have not come about otherwise.

When a leader takes the time to develop their employee’s talents, give them responsibility, and teach them to take ownership of what they do, trust forms, and they feel valued as an employee. Building confidence in an employee takes time, though the benefits are considerable.

In your leadership position, how do you empower the people you work with?

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