Culture, Leadership

36 Ways Successful Leaders Motivate Their Employees

Today’s leaders know their employees want more than to plod along in a 9 to 5 job. Some employees want to see tangible results from their efforts and expect recognition of work well done. Others want more responsibility and advancement opportunities. Knowing what your employees expect from you is important for the success of your business. You can’t walk into…

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Office Management, Productivity

6 Reasons Your Office is in Chaos

You look across a table strewn with magazines, papers, bills, and receipts. After quickly shifting paper from the left side to the right side, you give up and rewrite the customer’s invoice, hoping you are leaving nothing out. As you open the door you recognize a potential client who was meeting you today for an estimate for work you will…

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Culture, Leadership

Are You An Effective Leader?

What Exactly Is Effective Leadership? Effective leaders realize there are a number of individuals that have specific skills and knowledge that will make their organization a success. The workplace is full of intelligent, knowledgeable, and independent employees. These employees do not want to wait for instructions, be led by the nose, or be controlled by a dominant, micro-managing, assertive leader.…

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